Thursday, July 12, 2012

 "MADE IN AMERICA" - Patriotic seeds are meant to be planted in our own country first and foremost. But not everyone seems to get the message. Last evening, ABC evening news ran the story about the decision made by "American" fashion designer Ralph Lauren to provide the US Olympic team with opening ceremony attire entirely made in China.

No, there weren't any seeds of patriotism distributed for our depressed economy at home to grow on. I do appreciate that sponsors step up to help our athletes and in support of the games, but why not do it right and support the country too.

I have a question - when our athletes step forward to accept a medal ,and American flags are being waved and wrapped around a celebratory neck, who do we thank for providing these flags, China?

The US Olympic committee should be embarrassed, Ralph Lauren and his company should be ashamed.

WE CAN DO IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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